FindBugs Bug Detector Report

The following document contains the results of FindBugs

FindBugs Version is 3.0.0

Threshold is medium

Effort is min


Classes Bugs Errors Missing Classes
29 5 0 0


Bug Category Details Line Priority
org.apache.johnzon.mapper.Mapper.buildObject(Type, JsonObject) uses the same code for two branches STYLE DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES 489 Medium
Found reliance on default encoding in org.apache.johnzon.mapper.Mapper.writeArray(Collection, OutputStream): new I18N DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING 194 High
Found reliance on default encoding in org.apache.johnzon.mapper.Mapper.writeIterable(Iterable, OutputStream): new I18N DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING 223 High
Possible null pointer dereference of classMapping in org.apache.johnzon.mapper.Mapper.buildObject(Type, JsonObject) CORRECTNESS NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH 507 High
Return value of putIfAbsent is ignored, but enumConverter is reused in org.apache.johnzon.mapper.Mapper.findConverter(Type) MT_CORRECTNESS RV_RETURN_VALUE_OF_PUTIFABSENT_IGNORED 165 High