PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.55.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3

Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 131–133
Rule Violation Line
TooManyStaticImports Too many static imports may lead to messy code 19–492
Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'final' on resource specification 'jsonObjectGenerator': resource specifications are implicitly final 542
Rule Violation Line
TooManyStaticImports Too many static imports may lead to messy code 19–1291
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 310–321
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'validateAnnotationsOnTransientField(DecoratedType)'. 714
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'isOptionalArray(DecoratedType)'. 921
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'isTransient(DecoratedType,PropertyVisibilityStrategy,Class,boolean)'. 926
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 987–997
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 1107–1118
Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 85–87
Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'final' on resource specification 'reader': resource specifications are implicitly final 60
Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 46–48
Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 58–60
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 65–67
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 71–73

Priority 4

Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'jakarta.json.bind.config.PropertyVisibilityStrategy' due to existing import 'jakarta.json.bind.config.PropertyVisibilityStrategy' 35
Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Optional.ofNullable' due to existing static import 'java.util.Optional.ofNullable' 239
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Optional.ofNullable' due to existing static import 'java.util.Optional.ofNullable' 244
Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 189
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 210
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 257–261
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 393–399
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Optional.ofNullable' due to existing static import 'java.util.Optional.ofNullable' 757
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 932
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 1229–1230
Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 32–33



Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'jakarta.json.bind.config.PropertyVisibilityStrategy' due to existing import 'jakarta.json.bind.config.PropertyVisibilityStrategy' 4 35
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 131–133


Rule Violation Priority Line
TooManyStaticImports Too many static imports may lead to messy code 3 19–492
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Optional.ofNullable' due to existing static import 'java.util.Optional.ofNullable' 4 239
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Optional.ofNullable' due to existing static import 'java.util.Optional.ofNullable' 4 244


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'final' on resource specification 'jsonObjectGenerator': resource specifications are implicitly final 3 542


Rule Violation Priority Line
TooManyStaticImports Too many static imports may lead to messy code 3 19–1291
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 189
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 210
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 257–261
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 310–321
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 393–399
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'validateAnnotationsOnTransientField(DecoratedType)'. 3 714
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Optional.ofNullable' due to existing static import 'java.util.Optional.ofNullable' 4 757
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'isOptionalArray(DecoratedType)'. 3 921
UnusedPrivateMethod Avoid unused private methods such as 'isTransient(DecoratedType,PropertyVisibilityStrategy,Class,boolean)'. 3 926
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 932
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 987–997
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 1107–1118
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 1229–1230


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 85–87


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 32–33


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'final' on resource specification 'reader': resource specifications are implicitly final 3 60


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 46–48


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 58–60
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 65–67
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 71–73